Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year

Hmm,Happy New Year to all my dearest friend..althought today is the last day of 2009..
But I will appreciate it.
By the way,I hopes anything will be going great on next year.
I will study hard for my studies.
I will try to control my self do not face too much comp and Tv.
I will try to control my self less go out.
Then,hopes my family and friend healthy always.
That just my wish&promise.
Ehmm,next year is the last year for me in the school and have a feeling of scard and tension for the Spm next year 2010 : (
But,I'll try to study hard .
BYE BYE 2009,
HELLO 2010.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Christmas@Singapore Trip 21st-27th

I'm back=]Hey guys,sorry for the late update cause I'm just back from Singapore and my labtop was in hospitalized..After update this post and will be late update as my labtop something wrong then need to repair tomorrow. : (

Lets talk about my Singapore Trip.Its was nice trip and unforgetable trip.Seriously,I like Singapore more than Malaysia..its serious =]

Going Singapore with my 5 buddies and stayed at my friend cousin house..Okay,lets you guys see the picture that we took at Singapore^^look carefully.

I just put some picture,if you want see more picture in Singapore please see at my facebook,I have already upload at there.
Hahaha,lets talk my trip..we spent a lot of time to go all of the shopping centre...then Rs and they all bought 1 converse shoe but I did..I just bought clothes.
24th is christmas eve,so we all went orchard and go there to watchec movie..we watched Alvin and the chipmunks 2 at 3am..haha..before that,we all go 7 eleven to buy a snow spray...then after 12am,we started to sprays them...and it was I never ever forgot a christmas eve.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Genting 2 days 1 night Trip

Now,I have to update my blog.Friday went Genting with friend and stayed 1 days.When,we arrived Genting,the weather was very cold,let show you some picture at bottom here.

Ru Sheng and Me=]
Can you see it?Its is very cold .Before that,RS and his cousin wanted to buy jacket cause they all didn't bring and just me bring it only,so accompany them go first world and buy.
After buying jacket,then loitering at first world and see whether have what food ate as we dinner.Then,we went 1 restaurant,don't know at where already,do you know..1 plate of wantan mee ,11 expensive and some more not delicious .
After eating,back Genting hotel to bath then go out again..At night time,we all cant slept at all accept RS ..The next days in the morning,we ate our breakfast first,then go outdoor play..All of the game we also got played and fortunately the weather was quite good but also got rain.
So,we kept playing and waiting RS mum called to back .About 4pm,we back to KL.
Eventually,is very fun on that time.


★姓名★ 杨国源
★马来文名★ Yong Guo Yuan
★洋名★ Desmond
★花名★ 没有
★生日★ 11月22日
★星座★ 人马
★生肖★ 鸡
★体高★ 170
★体重★ 秘密
★来自★ 吉隆坡
★宗族★ 华人
★信仰★ 佛教
★嗜好★ 玩电脑
★兴趣★ 篮球
★怪癖★ 不知道
★性格★ 不知道
★职业★ 读书
★愿望★ 不清楚
★地址★ -
★颜色★ 蓝 黑
★卡通★ 皮卡丘
★花朵★ 钱做的花
★音乐★ 舒情
★食物★ 快餐
★饮料★ 汽水
★衣服★ 长袖衣
★裤子★ 短裤
★穿着★ 普普通通
★造型★ 有型
★国家★ 澳洲
★艺人★ 杨怡
★物品★ 相机
★季节★ 春天
★动物★ 不喜欢
★发型★ 酷
★节目★ 无极限
★电影★ 2012
★科目★ 英文
★运动★ 羽球
★朋友★ 坦白
★模特儿★ Angelababy
★造型师★ 不懂..应该是我吧!
★座右铭★ Swt
★华语歌★ 杨千桦-原来过得很快乐
★英文歌★ Two is Better Than One-Boys like Girls
★马来歌★ Negaraku
★广东歌★ 情人-S.H.E
★福建歌★ 爱了才知痛
★电视剧★ 宫心计
★遗憾之事★ 太多
★若时光能倒流?★ 不懂
★若选择一个人永远爱你?★ 她
★若自己是亿万富翁★ 买房子
★若有一天醒来,发现自己的样子变成金城武/蔡依林,你会?★ 回韩国
★若有三个愿望★ 1:有钱 2:环游世界 3:还有很多
☆为什么☆ 面包可以吃,但爱情不可
★雨天/晴天★ 晴天
☆为什么☆ 可以出街
★爱情/自由★ 自由
☆为什么☆ 喜欢咯
★黑/白★ 白
☆为什么☆ 清洁
★海边/山上★ 海边
☆为什么☆ 在海边玩
★唱歌/跳舞★ 跳舞
☆为什么☆ 超爱
★美貌/性格★ 性格
☆为什么☆ 不知道
★平淡。轰烈的日子★ 平淡
★相信/提防★ 提防
☆为什么☆ 人心险恶
★头脑好/性格好★ 头脑好
☆为什么☆ 本身不喜欢头脑简单的人
★干皮肤/油皮肤★ 油,本身已经是.
★朋友对你好吗?★ 很好
★你受朋友欢迎吗★ 不懂
★好朋友是?★ 很多
★单身/恋爱★ 单身
★相信一辈子吗?★ 相信
★喜欢自己吗?★ 喜欢
★相信自己吗★ 相信
★悲观/乐观★ 乐观
★若说最后一句话就哑口,你会?★ 死都不出声
★若明天世界末日,你会?★ 等待
★若你爱的人明天离开你,你会?★ 放手吧...哈哈
★最喜欢的一句话★ 太多了
-什么科?- 英语,会计,经济,国语,道德
★崇拜的艺人★ 没有
★能为他神魂颠倒的艺人★ 没有
★搞笑的艺人★ 吴宗宪
★讨厌的艺人★ 没有
★欣赏的艺人★ 杨怡
★甜美的艺人★ 杨丞琳
★可爱的艺人★ 林依晨
★古典美艺人★ 不懂
★气质型艺人★ 林志林
★实力派艺人★ 蔡依琳
★帅哥型艺人★ 陈冠希
★最登对艺人★ 林峰和钟嘉欣
★有想过当艺人吗?★ 有
Xiao Yun
Man Ling